HR Milner Generating Station
Milner 2
The Milner 2 (“M2”) power plant is currently a 300 MW state-of-the-art Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (“CCGT”) unit located at the HR Milner Generating Station near Grande Cache, Alberta. The CCGT unit comprises a 204 MW state-of-the-art natural gas-fired turbine generator commissioned in Q2 2020 and repowered as part of the M2 CCGT expansion project and fully commissioned in Q4 of 2023.
The steam generated by waste heat and supplementary gas-firing from M2 is sent to the original M1 steam turbine to generate approximately 96 MW of incremental low-carbon power.
The M2 CCGT unit benefits from significant existing infrastructure at the brownfield site, including the existing M1 steam turbine generator and the associated balance of plant, capturing waste heat that would otherwise exhaust into the atmosphere and turning it into useful low carbon electricity for the Alberta power grid. The CCGT expansion of M2 reduces the intensity of carbon emissions by more than 60% compared to the legacy coal-fired HR Milner facility.
Power produced from M2 is sold to the Alberta Electric System Operator (“AESO”).
Milner 1
The original HR Milner Generating Station (“Milner 1” or “M1”), located near Grande Cache, Alberta, was a 150 MW dual fuel boiler and steam turbine generator unit capable of burning both natural gas and coal. The M1 steam turbine generator has been re-purposed for use as part of the 300 MW CCGT M2 facility.